Thursday, November 15, 2012

Respecting The Prey (2)

Respecting the Prey
Submitted and Written by Blitz (John8u2 Resident)

In this second part of my article about Respecting the Prey, I want to talk about the capture part of the game and pass on some common sense ideas, and look at some of the more important rules and obligations as they concern the Predators.  The Obligatory Statement:  Let me say very clearly that these are MY opinions and insights and do not necessarily reflect the views, rules or  opinions of any of the staff or owners of The Village: Slave Hunt sim or Second Life in general.  Your mileage may vary, some exclusions apply, VAT may be applicable, if after reading you see any signs of a rash or other ailment, please consult your physician.

Part 2 - The Capture

Well, you finally captured that hot vixen you've been chasing for 30 min and now she lays netted at your feet eh?  Congrats.  Now, wipe the drool from your mouth, and pull yourself together.  Before you can get to the sex part you need to take a few things into consideration and have some obligations to yourself and her.

First and foremost, always keep in mind that the Avatars  you are playing with have REAL people running them.  That means they have REAL feelings and fears.  Doing something they don't want you to do is really tantamount to rape of the Avatar, is something I personally detest, and can have very real repercussions with the REAL person running the avi.

Secondly, and this should be considered an obligation if you ask me, offer your prey a way out before anything else happens.  Compliment them on the chase they led you, tell them they are beautiful, or whatever you want and ask them if they want to go with you or be released.  DO NOT WORRY THAT THEY WILL ALL TURN YOU DOWN.  That isn't the case...typically they are here for the same reason as you. 

SAFETY FIRST (OR Third in this case since we had a couple of other items to deal with before we got this far): in order to play safe you should always present your prey with a safe  word.  This is a word that when uttered, should cause all RP sex and pose ball activity to cease (you'll have to STOP the pose ball manually ofc).  For whatever reason the person who used it is uncomfortable with the direction play is going, OR something else is going on and they need to stop.  HONOR the SAFE WORD you choose.  Personally I use "DUMBASS" as my safe word since the way I play it typically doesn't come up.  Hearing something like "Hey DUMBASS what do you think you're doing?" would give me pause anyway, so it works out well.

And then there was rule 7.  What is rule 7?  Well rule 7 covers sexual relations with a slave that is sexually restricted.  Confused?  Yeah, so was I, but here is an excellent post about it in the Sass pack:  Basically put, rule 7 puts the prey off-limits for sexual RP or pose ballin'.  IF YOU BREAK RULE 7 you can (and should) be ejected from the game.  You can tell if prey is covered under rule 7 since they SHOULD be displaying the Rule 7 label over their avi's head.

FINALLY we get to the good stuff!  I hate to disappoint you but there really isn't much to say here.  Some folks are into pose ballin' and some are into the RP aspects of sex in this sim.  Personally I am heavier into the RP kind of sex with the pose balls perhaps enhancing or guiding RP.  Others go the opposite way.  All I can really offer are a couple words of advice.

1) Take your turn.  Don't type something, and then immediately type again, and never give the prey a chance to respond.  Same with changing pose ball positions...don't type something, immediately change positions and start hammering at your keyboard.  This leads to the prey just being 'along for the ride' and won't really be as satisfactory. A good basic example of how it should be done might look like this:

Pred: "I pull you close and kiss you on your neck"
Prey: "I sigh and wrap my arms around you"
Pred: "I bite you on your shoulder HARD"
Prey: "Hey DUMBASS I said no biting!  Don't you read profiles?  what was THAT all about?"

2) Have fun!  That's what we are there for, right?  Let your kink flag fly and maybe you'll get lucky and your partner will be as into it as you.  If you hit the wrong pose ball option, and you end up doing the funky chicken, RP it with some humor and try to get back into the mood.  It can be a bit jarring, but I have yet to find a prey that doesn't appreciate a decent sense of humor.

That's it for this installment.  I haven't really decided on what to write about for the next article (the editor wants details of my shopping trips for Hair, skin, clothes and stuff, but I doubt that holds a lot of interest for Preds), so comments, suggestions and criticisms are highly encouraged.  I hope you enjoyed these first articles.

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