Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Ending of an Era

The news that the Village is closing is a huge shock to me. And it frightens me to think that something so wonderful is coming to an end. But the fact of the matter is that when it comes to SL nothing is forever. No matter what we want to think or believe. Every great thing eventually comes to an end.

With that in mind I'd like to ask you, our brethren, our sisters, to share your memories with us. We may not be able to stay, we can't pry open a clam that's closing for the last time. But we can reminisce and share our thoughts. Funny instances, or wonderful role play experiences, we're open to your input.

The only thing that I ask is that if you send us RP notes, check and make sure it's alright with the person that you were playing with. This makes sure that when and if the tid bit is posted, they aren't surprised to see their writing bared and exposed for others to see. I know it can be a bit shocking and embarrassing if it happens without warning.

If we could fight to keep the sim alive, I know that there are those that would bear arms to do so. There are some of us that only have our words to offer, they're the only weapons we have. Don't let this go unquestioned. Don't let it go without a response. We are here, we are listening, and we want to know what you have on your minds.

I'm terrified. I don't think I have anywhere in SL to consider home right now, the Village was the closest thing to a Home I had left. I've made the most amazing friends here, and I don't want to lose them.  We will figure out a way to stay in contact am sure, but this can't be the end. Things don't simply end without creating an opening for folk to escape into. I just don't see the enterance to that wonderful rabbit hole right now... this Alice has no Wonderland to go to.

Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. It may be a line from a Disney movie, but it exemplifies the feeling I've often felt while at the Village. So regardless where we end up, am sure we will remember the wonderful times that we've all shared. Thank you all so much, for some of the best times I've ever had in SL.

Waiting for a Miracle . ~Tiamet~

Camp rock 2 : the final jam - Can't Back Down

"We got a situation that we can't ignore
'Cause ignorance is not bliss
We know not to take this, no
With every big decision
comes an equally important share of the risk
We gotta take this on

We can't back down
There's too much at stake
This is serious
Don't walk away

We can't pretend
It's not happening
In our own backyard
Our own home plate

We've been called out
Do you hear your name?
I'm not confused
Let's win this thing

We can't back down
There's too much at stake
Don't walk away
Don't walk away"

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