Friday, July 27, 2012

Upcoming Events : Broom Tournement

The Island of Lost Dreams is holding a Broom Tourney on July 29th. Basically it involves beating other players in the tournament with a broom until there's only one person left standing on the field.

How it works.
Round one is women vs women.
Round two is man vs man.
Round three is the winners of the first two.

The winner gets to pick the weapon for next months tourney and theme for the monthly gala. So grab your broom and practice! this is gonna be good!

here's the slurl to get to the sim

Monday, July 16, 2012


So, spotlighting community members would be a lot easier if they're willing to volunteer information. So today's post is going to include a list of questions for anyone interested in having themselves spotlighted on the blog. Consider it you're own 15 minutes of SL fame.

SL Name:
Favorite clothing store:
Favorite accessory:
Favorite skin maker:
What kind of hair do you wear?:
Recommended song for running:
Who made your bow (if you use one):
What kind of AO do you use?:
Favorite quote:
Tell us about your character's background in the village:
Do you have a sl goal?

Mind you these are just recommended questions. You can  choose to answer them in full informative format. Or you are welcome to be as simply direct as possible. What I would like you to include though is a picture of your avatar to be posted with your profile. If at all possible, please include a style card like listing for what you're wearing in the image if at all possible (list of the name of the outfit and maker, hair and skin maker,shape etc.) because you never know who's going to get a look at you and be interested in more information about your look. (Or YOU ^_~)

This information can either be dropped as a nc in sl to Tiamet Resident or l0lafinzi Resident, or emailed to thesasspack (at) gmail (dot) com. (you should replace the words with the appropriate symbols ^_~) She'll make sure that the information is formatted and cued up to be presented to your waiting public.

Safe and happy runnings! ~ Tiamet~

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Ending of an Era

The news that the Village is closing is a huge shock to me. And it frightens me to think that something so wonderful is coming to an end. But the fact of the matter is that when it comes to SL nothing is forever. No matter what we want to think or believe. Every great thing eventually comes to an end.

With that in mind I'd like to ask you, our brethren, our sisters, to share your memories with us. We may not be able to stay, we can't pry open a clam that's closing for the last time. But we can reminisce and share our thoughts. Funny instances, or wonderful role play experiences, we're open to your input.

The only thing that I ask is that if you send us RP notes, check and make sure it's alright with the person that you were playing with. This makes sure that when and if the tid bit is posted, they aren't surprised to see their writing bared and exposed for others to see. I know it can be a bit shocking and embarrassing if it happens without warning.

If we could fight to keep the sim alive, I know that there are those that would bear arms to do so. There are some of us that only have our words to offer, they're the only weapons we have. Don't let this go unquestioned. Don't let it go without a response. We are here, we are listening, and we want to know what you have on your minds.

I'm terrified. I don't think I have anywhere in SL to consider home right now, the Village was the closest thing to a Home I had left. I've made the most amazing friends here, and I don't want to lose them.  We will figure out a way to stay in contact am sure, but this can't be the end. Things don't simply end without creating an opening for folk to escape into. I just don't see the enterance to that wonderful rabbit hole right now... this Alice has no Wonderland to go to.

Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. It may be a line from a Disney movie, but it exemplifies the feeling I've often felt while at the Village. So regardless where we end up, am sure we will remember the wonderful times that we've all shared. Thank you all so much, for some of the best times I've ever had in SL.

Waiting for a Miracle . ~Tiamet~

Camp rock 2 : the final jam - Can't Back Down

"We got a situation that we can't ignore
'Cause ignorance is not bliss
We know not to take this, no
With every big decision
comes an equally important share of the risk
We gotta take this on

We can't back down
There's too much at stake
This is serious
Don't walk away

We can't pretend
It's not happening
In our own backyard
Our own home plate

We've been called out
Do you hear your name?
I'm not confused
Let's win this thing

We can't back down
There's too much at stake
Don't walk away
Don't walk away"

Monday, July 9, 2012


Are you brave enough, tough enough, and strong enough to hunt the hottest, horniest, and hardest female preys to hunt in sl? Then look no further than THE VILLAGE Slave Hunt!

Traverse the many wondrous hills, the most lavish forests, and the deepest valleys and, and I am talking about the remarkable lands of the THE VILLAGE fellas, and not the lovely and lustful beauty's, even if they might meet that description!

What could be better than this you ask? How about the chance to turn the tables? Are you brave enough, tough enough and strong enough, to let these same prey hunt you?
Take a trip on the wild side and let them capture you at the biweekly Open Hunt where preds can be prey and prey get to be a pred of our dreams!

When: Every other Friday (including this coming Friday)
Time: 6:30 pm slt to 6:30am slt

Came prepared to have more than your minds blown away!
Don't be timid, don't be shy, these prey are the sweetest pieces of pie!

Content written by Master Lando

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Predator Point

As a flip side to The Sass Pack, we're offering The Predator Point. It is a well known fact that second life seems to be filled with a lot more stores and items for female players. But that doesn't mean we should overlook the needs of any male readers. In fact we'd like to know what you're interested in reading about. WHy? Because if we know this we'll know how to research and collect information to offer you.

Also, we here at The Predator Point are looking for writers interested in contributing here at the blog. Whether you are a weapons collector, a fashionable male, or maybe even just a quirky writer, we're looking for you! We're currently accepting reviews on everything from weapons, fashions, pose balls, whatever you think the rest of us would be interested in hearing about.

Got any ideas or thoughts on the direction we should go? Please drop us a note and let us know. We're here to help you enjoy your Second Life, and the time you spend in The Village. So keeping that in mind, feel free to contact us with your input.